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Timetable, Homework,
and Grades.

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Erfordert iOS 16 oder macOS 13 oder neuer.

Keep track of your timetable.

Being on time is only one part of the story. Knowing what's ahead and planning your day make you a thriving person. It's straightforward and fun to scroll from the present to the future and back to oversee your day, week, month, and beyond.

  • Your timetable at a glance

    You can overview your classes in Timeline and Calendar views. Subjects highlight the current class to give you the necessary context.

  • Get Notified

    Subjects will notify you about the upcoming classes, their location, and other helpful information.

  • Calendar Events

    Your Calendar events can be seen alongside your classes. You can decide which calendars you want to see in Subjects. It's handy to keep all your schedule in one place.


Don't forget your homework.

Homework is nothing different from a regular to-do, but despite the apparent similarities, there are more unique properties that Subjects allow to manage.

  • Group by Subject

    See your homework as a clean sorted list. Subjects show your entire assignment, so you rarely need to open the details.

  • Get Notified

    It's super important not to miss that point of no return when you have to start working on your assignment to meet the deadline. Set due date and notification settings so you'll never miss anything.

  • Learn. Complete. Grade.

    You can not only mark an assignment as complete, but you can also set its grade.

  • Calculate your GPA

    Manage your grades and calculate your GPA. The app supports any grading system that is available in the world.


Plan. Share. Collaborate.

We brought sharing your timetable and homework into a core of Subjects, making it super easy to share with your classmates, teachers, and friends.

  • Share your subjects.

    With Sharing Hubs, you can generate a shareable link to your timetable and homework, so anyone with an app can see or make changes to the schedule or add details to assignments.

  • Keep it private.

    It is you who decides what to share and who can have access to it. Sharing Hubs is a flexible way to set up shareable links.

  • Get data from someone else.

    It's always great if someone has already set up the schedule or syllabus. It's super easy to send and receive shareable links and start an app with complete data set right from the start.


Subjects for Teachers

Coming this year

Since teachers are key players in the education process, we also created a dedicated app for them. It allows them to manage their records and share schedules and assignments with students. Both apps can work independently or seamlessly integrate to form the best teacher-student productivity duo on the market.

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Erfordert iOS 16 oder macOS 13 oder neuer.